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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Aug/20/11 9:21PM Lets play the blame game... I love you.

What causes my soupy spurts? My rancid dumpster slop? My projectile wagon juice? My flying Filipino bean biscuits? My grease bomb donkey kongs?     
Well i'll tell ya. Its McDonalds and I love it!

You just saw some of my original names to describe my rotten little fudge trolls. So now come up with and comment your own. No cheating!

Aug/20/11 8:14PM Whats the scoop on Grandma soup?

Grandma's soup is the chunkiest in town!

Aug/8/11 1:33PM My favorite color!

This is probably one of the healthiest poops i've ever had! I spent 2 weeks working out and dieting on veggies and the outcome was excretions that I was pleasin to be seein were greennin. 

Jun/31/11 10:37pm Something smells fishy

Naw just kiddin! It actually smells like crap! 
Do you notice that this doesn't really look like one of my usual poops? 
If you did notice then you are weird for know so much about some other dudes poop! But either way you are right. This is my cousins poop and it is much bigger than mine.

Jun/12/11 12:47 PM If its yellow let it mellow

I'm not really sure what it the world I ate to make my creepy crawlers shine so bright but if I keep this up I'll be pootin gold nuggs by Christmas! 

Mar/29/11 Butterfly kisses

This reminds me of those ink blot test. You know, the ones where everything looks like a butterfly? 

Except, if you saw this on the card you'd probably say that it looks more like poop.
Lets do a little test.
Look at this poop blot. Now tell me what you see.
Seriously tell me what you see.
I'm thinking a blind-folded pinto bean just got executed with a chili-gun.

Mar/19/11 Know when to hold em

The task: Poop on my roommates stairs. 
The prize: Breakfast at Cracker Barrel. 
I know right?! What a good deal! 
Another interesting tidbit: Dry poop in the house smells really bad! So I cast all the blame to my little scape-puppy who actually ended up finding this little smelly no bake cookie and eating half of it.

Best part: My roommate believed that it was my rittle rinnocent doggy and cleaned up the other uneaten half.